Restraint is one of my biggest problems. Practicing it, that is. I just can't seem to control myself when it comes to anything I'm passionate about. I can't just have one box of coloured soft pastels - I have to have 10 boxes, all the colours of the rainbow. I can't just have one tube of red oil paint, I have to buy every shade of red I can find ! I can't have one or two balls of beautiful wool, I need packets of it !
I am the same with plants and seeds. I cannot pass a seed rack without piling packets of seeds in my shopping basket. I can't pass the summer bulbs without buying them by the dozen (they are on sale after all). When I visit our garden centre, I want to grow every plant I see. The colours and scents are so enticing. I want to paint a picture in my garden, using the beautiful colours and textures.
I really have to start controlling myself. My hankie garden just will not support all the seeds and plants I have my eye on. I already have so many seedling coming through the soil. The pots are starting to multiply, and I'm looking for more on our local freecycle. Where the heck am I going to put them all ? We won't be able to move out there !! This has to stop.
Well...that's what my head says. But my heart just keeps me planting more and more. I can see I am going to have to have a plant sale out on the street ! Well...while my head keeps "tut tutting", my heart is singing. I don't know when I've had a happier spring !