"Mr Noah built an ark,
Mr Noah built an ark,
The animals went in two by two,
The animals went in two by two,
The rain came down and the floods came up,
Noah and the animals floated on the top.
The raindrops stopped - the floods went down
Noah and the animals floated to the ground."
We sing this song every Sunday in our Children's Bible Class. Imagine how thrilled I was when I saw this little treasure in our local Charity shop. The manager had just put it out when I grabbed it. She commented "I knew that wouldn't be here long. I should have doubled the price !" I laughed.

The roof at the front flips back and it's filled with little carved wooden animals. Yes...two of each.
Look at the detail on this little hinge.
How exciting. It is old and I love it. So do the grandchildren. I allowed the little one to play with it and she was very careful. She asked "Is this for us ?" I replied "No darling - this is Granny's toy". She turned to Granddad with a look of disgust and said "Granny has a toy. Is that funny or not ?" We had a good laugh at her. But no...it's not funny, and as much as I love her, it is Granny's toy.