A friend is wondering why I would want an allotment when I have started on our little garden, and therefore have something to potter in. She just doesn't understand. And unless you have soil and worm-juice running through your veins, you never will !
So, what's it all about ? Why would my little patch not satisfy my need for gardening ? Well...there is so much more to gardening than planting a few annuals ! (which is exactly what I've done). Okay...there was a LOT of digging involved - and that was hard work.
To me, gardening starts with the planning, the anticipation of the growing season ahead. That can really bring on an adrenalyn rush !! There are beds to plan, mounds of earth to dig, weeds to be eradicated (never ending) compost and manure to be brought in, so much soil to sweeten. And then there's the planning and buying of seeds ! What a glorious job that is. Poring over seed catalogues. Do I have enough ? Better order more ! What about last year's leftovers ? Will they germinate ? Then the pruning, the splitting of clumps of perennials, new paths to be laid, new structures to build. On and on it goes. The planning...the toiling and the anticiption.
Then the planting - seeds in plastic pots all over the house, shed and greenhouse ! Marking...labelling...losing labels, staring at pots not knowing what you've planted. Ordering more seeds because you don't think you'll have enough. Then the waiting game, watching over the pots like a mother hen over her chicks. Not a time to rest though. Keep weeding...keep digging and raking. It's backbreaking work at times, but it's a labour of love !
What joy when the first little stems start to peep through the soil ! The nurturing begins. Carefully, they're pricked out, watered, loved, talked to until they're finally in the ground. It's not over then...it's just beginning. Then...then there are weeds to be removed, all manner of pests to be controlled, as the tiny seedling start to make their way in the world. The pleasure of watching something you have planted grow into a full strong plant, bearing flower and fruit, is unbelievable !
And then the harvest !!! Oh, the bountiful harvest ! Nothing tastes as sweet as a home-grown tomato. Nothing melts butter like a home-grown potato. No florists bouquet can match the beauty of a vase of home-grown wildflowers. The backache is forgotten as the gardener fills basket after basket with home-grown fruit, veg and flowers. As the summer ends, the mind is already racing ahead to the next growing season. The clearing and cleaning begins...winter crops are planted, spring-flowering bulbs are bought and delighted over. A quieter time...a time to regroup, think about the successes and failures of the last season. On and on it goes. For the gardener, life in the garden never ends.
So...what's it all about ? Will my little plot of annuals satisfy my needs ? I don't think so somehow. It's lottie hunting I go !
(I found the photo above on the Internet with no credit unfortunately. If it's yours, please let me know, and I will either remove it or give you full credit. Thanks.)
What a lyrical summing up of the pleasures and rewards of gardening!!
Posted by: Julie | Wednesday, 18 April 2007 at 06:09 PM
Thanks Julie :)
Posted by: Lorraine | Wednesday, 18 April 2007 at 06:42 PM