This is my youngest grandson's (Timothy's) seed tray. He sowed the seeds at the weekend, and is constantly watching my windowsill for progress. He chose the seeds he wanted (I didn't interfere). I told him how to sow them - what to do - and he did it all. My seed tray is standing next to his, and seeds are sprouting left right and centre. (I sowed mine a few days before he did). So now we wait. It's hard to be patient when you're only 11.
And...I just thought I'd mention - you don't need fancy equipment to propogate seeds if you can't afford it. The large blue drip tray contained pork chops bought last week (washed very well, of course - not the chops - the tray). And the seed tray contained chicken pieces at one time !! And...we used a general potting mix - although I wish I did have some seed compost as this mix is a bit too rough. That's next on the shopping list.